Accountability in Workshop

I don't know about you, but it can be very challenging to monitor behavior while students are working and while teaching in small group. I teach 100% in small group. It is very rare that I do whole group lessons and holding students accountable was the biggest obstacle I had especially when I changed schools and had a class of 30 4th graders!

Here are two things I use to monitor behavior and help with accountability.

#1  Class Dojo
Class Dojo was a game changer for me once I realized that I could have it pulled up on the board and on my ipad while I was at the back table and click students names to give them points. When I do this their name pops up on the computer and 'dings' and everyone in the class can see who gets a point! It is a GREAT way to show positive reinforcement for on task behavior during workshop and I don't have to say a thing! I promise it is like magic. I never take points away, and I do not invite parents to Class Dojo, I don't want to deal with parents e-mailing me asking me questions about points.

#2 Group Captain 
A group captain is key! I do not let students move from their tables during workshop so the captain is in charge of getting all the materials for each rotation and passing materials to the next group. Captains are also in charge of making sure their group follows their CHAMPS and are on task. To make it official, I created Captain Sheets (Get it for FREE). I laminated these colorful papers one for each table group for each class that I teach. The papers have a "pledge" on it that the student signs their name under to state that they promise to follow their job description.  Captains are to give points to students at their group that are making good choices, having great math talk, on task and helping others when need be. It is impossible for me to see everything while I'm teaching, but giving this job to the captain allows helps me keep the students on task. The Captains are allowed to only give 3 points per kid, and that is if that kid was absolutely perfect! Captain's receive 3 points from me every day as payment for their job. They get 3 points every day as long as I did not have to tell their group to get on task or to tell the captain to follow directions. You can come up with a system that works best for you in your classroom! I found giving a max amount of points works best!

On the captain paper there is a section for comments that they can write to me about a student if they feel the need too. It is awesome to see these notes about kids. Some notes are about how a student was acting up or not working. Most comments are super sweet, they love to write about how hard a student at their group worked or how one student helped another. Sometimes I give extra points or don't give as many points based on these comments!

At the end of the day I have a trust worthy student use my ipad to put in all the points into class dojo. The next day the kids are able to see how many points they have. I tell the captains to not show the people at their group their captain paper, they do not need to see how many points they are getting or notes written about them. Students at each group pick new captains each week. I tell them it is up to the old captain to decided who is the new captain, and I don't make people be captain, some students don't want that type of responsibility! ; )

I pass out Vis-a-Vis wet erase markers to the captains to use since they won't smudge when I stack the papers on each other. You could always use dry erase too.

You can get this captain paper for FREE on my TPT store!! Hope this helps you out as much as it's helped me! I've used this for 3 years now!

Math Mate-Personal Anchor Charts

It has been a while since I wrote last! But I have a good excuse...I had baby #2!!! We had a sweet baby boy in early April. It was a VERY fast delivery, water broke and 12 minutes later he was the CAR!! Terrifying, but I guess we now have a crazy story to tell for the rest of our lives!

I've been working on this project while out on maternity leave and summer break. I am so excited to use this in my classroom!

I teach in small group only, therefor when I am at the kidney table working with a group of students it is extremely important that interruptions are at a minimum.  One of my rotations is "At your seat work" and most of the time it is independent work.  My school requires that we use anchor charts for students to reference during class work, so I thought it would be nice if my students had their own personal anchor charts at their desk for them to review. I am hoping that with the anchor charts it will minimize the interruptions when students are stuck and hopefully build some confidence.

There is at least one anchor chart for EACH of the following 4th grade standards:

4.OA.4- Factors and Multiples, Prime and Composite Numbers
4.NBT.3- Rounding
4.NBT.5- Multi-digit multiplication, standard algorithm and area model.
4.NBT.6- Long division, standard algorithm
4.NF.1- Equivalent Fractions
4.NF.2- Compare Fractions
4.NF.4- Multiply a whole number by a fraction
4.NF.6- Fractions as Decimals
4.NF.7- Compare Decimals
4.MD.1- Metric Conversions
4.MD.3- Area and Perimeter
4.MD.6- Use protractor to construct and measure angles.
4.G.1- Lines and Angles
4.G.2- Classify Triangles and Quadrilaterals

Multiplication Chart included for students to reference too!


I am only making 12 folders with these charts glued on them. I'm planning on only having one group (about 6 kids) work on independent work at a time, but I'll make a 2nd set just in case. I am making MY folders so they hold ALL the charts, but you could also make different sets of folders with the charts on them according to which standards you teach together. I like how you can personalize these for what works best for you.
My hope in making them so all the charts are out, is that the students might look at the anchor charts I haven't taught yet and maybe teach themselves the skill on them or at least get some back ground knowledge from looking at time! 

To make the larger folders like mine, I took two folders and duct taped them together. This also makes them a bit more sturdy and with longer folds to keep independent work more private. 

Duct tape together and you're good to go!

I plan on laminating mine once I get back to school. 


Here are a few examples of the anchor charts included! 

If you want to make smaller folders and select certain charts you can just use one folder and fold it the following way:

Fold the flaps inwards to the center of the folder. 

Don't have any folders? Print and laminate charts and hole punch in the corner. Place anchor charts on a ring for students to flip through!

Hope everyone has an amazing school year!!!