Adding and Subtracting Multi-Digits

Here is a 4.NBT.4 adding and subtracting multi-digits numbers!

I always have a hard time coming up with some fun and different activities for adding and subtracting multi-digit numbers. The students need the practice but it can be so monotones.

The first activity I did was adding with ice cream cones. They had to make up at least two numbers and create a ice cream themed addition word problem to go with their ice cream cones. I let the students choose if they wanted to add more than just two numbers, if so their ice cream cones were taller since they had more than just two scoops. They turned out pretty cute, I didn't get a picture of a finished one but you can get the idea! They are out in the hallway now and look very cute!

For the word problem, I had them write it first on scrap paper and then I edited it. I made sure everything was spelled right and that it was an actual addition problem. They wrote their answers at the bottom of the long piece of construction paper that I had them glue their ice cream cone on!

The subtraction activity I came up with was a HIT! My students LOVED it! I got the auto magazines from Food Lion that list all the cars for sale. They are I took a stack! Each kid was able to have one. I created a worksheet with six word problems on it. The questions gave the students an amount of money and they were to "buy" a car that was in that budget and subtract to find out how much money they had left over. They then cut out the car and glued it on the paper. On the back of the paper there were questions that had them order the price of the cars from least to greatest and writing the prices of the cars in expanded and word form etc. I will post this activity on my TpT store! 


  1. Cuuuute ideas. We've just begun adding/ subtracting numbers after our decimals unit. As we speak, I have tasked my husband in finding 22 auto trader mags for Monday! Thanks.

  2. My students LOVED this activity! They were so in to it! I know your students will love it too!
